Weird Wednesday by Category

Apparently my favorite subject is folklore

Creature Features

The Devil Whale

Island or Sea Monster?

The Secret of Loch Ness

What Lies Beneath?

The Beast of Gevaudan

18th Century Werewolf

Outwit the Undead with this One Weird Trick

Escaping Vampires With Seeds, Salt, and Sand

The Black Shuck

English Hell Hound


Irish Vampire


Monster Shark

Spring-Heeled Jack

Dastardly Victorian Cryptid


Rogue Waves

Oceanic Monsters

Why the Nederlander Theatre is Haunted

Chicago’s Little-Known 1903 Disaster


Skeleton Lake

The Donner Party

Wagon Train Tragedy

The Third Man Phenomenon

It’s Dangerous to Go Alone

The Deadly Dyatlov Pass

What happened to nine hikers on a snowy night in 1959?

Folklore & Fairy Tales

Omens of Death

From Broken Clocks to Butterflies

The Mystery of the Moving Coffins

A Locked Tomb Whodunit


Ghost Light

The Devil Whale

Island or Sea Monster?

Superstition and the Sea

Don’t Rock the Boat

The Haunted Rail

Ghost Trains

The Secret of Loch Ness

What Lies Beneath?

What Next?

Methods of Divination

The Third Man Phenomenon

It’s Dangerous to Go Alone

The Beast of Gevaudan

18th Century Werewolf

Monday's Child is Fair of Face

Divination Rhymes

The Crossroads

Metaphysical Meeting Place

The Mysterious Ouija Board

Who Are You Talking To?

The Transformation Chase

Shapeshift Your Way Out of Danger

Outwit the Undead with this One Weird Trick

Escaping Vampires With Seeds, Salt, and Sand


For now we see through a glass, darkly

Room For One More?

A Deadly Invitation

The Black Shuck

English Hell Hound

A Forest of Superstitions

Folklore About Trees

The Obstacle Flight

Evading Ogres with Everyday Objects


Irish Vampire

Phantom Islands

The Isle of Demons, Fata Morgana Land, and of course, Atlantis

The Wild Hunt

Ghost Riders in the Sky

Spring-Heeled Jack

Dastardly Victorian Cryptid

Ghosts & Hauntings

Borley Rectory

Haunting or Hoax?

Omens of Death

From Broken Clocks to Butterflies

Why the Nederlander Theatre is Haunted

Chicago’s Little-Known 1903 Disaster

The Mystery of the Moving Coffins

A Locked Tomb Whodunit

50 Berkeley Square

The Scariest House in London


Ghost Light

The Greenbrier Ghost

Testimony from Beyond the Grave

The Haunted Rail

Ghost Trains


Noisy Ghosts

The Amityville Horror

Infamous American Haunted House

The Mysterious Ouija Board

Who Are You Talking To?

Otherworldly Visions


Ghost Light

The Haunted Rail

Ghost Trains


Apparitions of the Living

The Third Man Phenomenon

It’s Dangerous to Go Alone


For now we see through a glass, darkly

Crisis Apparitions

On the Border of Life and Death

The Wild Hunt

Ghost Riders in the Sky

A Peak in Darien

Visions from a Deathbed

The Sea

Rogue Waves

Oceanic Monsters

The Disappearance of Flight 19

The Bermuda Triangle’s Most Bizarre Mystery (Even Without Aliens)

The Devil Whale

Island or Sea Monster?

Superstition and the Sea

Don’t Rock the Boat

The Mary Celeste

Famous Mystery of the Sea

Vanished Planes

The Star Tiger and Star Ariel in the Bermuda Triangle

Phantom Islands

The Isle of Demons, Fata Morgana Land, and of course, Atlantis

The Flannan Isles Vanishing

The Mysterious Disappearance of Three Lighthouse Keepers


Monster Shark

Carroll A. Deering

1920’s Ghost Ship

True Crime

Lizzie Borden

An Imperfect Crime

The Greenbrier Ghost

Testimony from Beyond the Grave

The Amityville Horror

Infamous American Haunted House

Unsolved Mysteries

Borley Rectory

Haunting or Hoax?

The Disappearance of Flight 19

The Bermuda Triangle’s Most Bizarre Mystery (Even Without Aliens)

The Mystery of the Moving Coffins

A Locked Tomb Whodunit

Lizzie Borden

An Imperfect Crime


Skeleton Lake

The Secret of Loch Ness

What Lies Beneath?

The Mary Celeste

Famous Mystery of the Sea

The Beast of Gevaudan

18th Century Werewolf

Vanished Planes

The Star Tiger and Star Ariel in the Bermuda Triangle

Phantom Islands

The Isle of Demons, Fata Morgana Land, and of course, Atlantis

The Flannan Isles Vanishing

The Mysterious Disappearance of Three Lighthouse Keepers

The Deadly Dyatlov Pass

What happened to nine hikers on a snowy night in 1959?

The Mystery of the Female Stranger

This stone is placed here by her disconsolate

Husband in whose arms she sighed out her latest breath

Spring-Heeled Jack

Dastardly Victorian Cryptid

Carroll A. Deering

1920’s Ghost Ship


The Disappearance of Flight 19

The Bermuda Triangle’s Most Bizarre Mystery (Even Without Aliens)

The Mary Celeste

Famous Mystery of the Sea

Vanished Planes

The Star Tiger and Star Ariel in the Bermuda Triangle

The Flannan Isles Vanishing

The Mysterious Disappearance of Three Lighthouse Keepers

Carroll A. Deering

1920’s Ghost Ship

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