Free Spec Fiction Recs

Writing by folks who aren’t me





Netting Scents by Sultana Raza in Abyss & Apex. Luckily, her sharp nose caught the layer / of decaying bones, shredded memories

Nymph by Kailee Pedersen in Uncanny Magazine.When she was young my sister would turn herself into a locust.

Short Stories


The Village of the Sleeping Dead by Blue Guldal in Beneath Ceaseless Skies magazine. They were dressed in liquid armor the color of nightsky and took her mother in a floating, oilslick lighteater.

Light on the Dark Side of Mega Corp Moon by Jason M. Harley in Baffling Magazine.  “I congratulated myself along the way for my successful seduction, and all the Helium X trade secrets I would soon extract from him at just the right moment.”

The Odd Couple by Alastair Millar in A Coup of Owls. Love can’t be built on lies.

The Lighthouse Keeper by Melinda Brasher in Diabolical Plots Magazine. The wind shoves its arms through the cracks around the windows.

All Her Rows of Teeth by Jordan Kurella in Three-Lobed Burning Eye Magazine. The water is so dark it’s like bathing in fear.

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Image credit: Dannye