Free Stories
by Dannye Chase
The Train Ticket [Audio] on the Tales to Terrify podcast. A Weird West story where a man finds himself holding a train ticket to Hell after accidentally attempting to rob a ghost train.
You Can’t Tell Them They’re Dead, That’s Rule #1 in Just Keep Up Magazine. A sci-fi story told in emails, text messages, reports, and a knitting pattern.
The Falling, in Daikaijuzine. A new flight attendant learns there are some things you don’t talk about in the air.
Devoured, in Nocturne Horror Literary Magazine. A woman tries to convince her grief-stricken mother to move out of her haunted house.
The Impossible House, which took first place in the On the Premises Contest #44. A woman seeks help from a necromancer after her sister vanishes into a haunted house.
People Have to Know, [Audio] on the No Sleep podcast. A radio reporter encounters supernatural evil during a death row interview.
Kirkegrim [Audio] on the podcast Creepy. A Victorian-era poisoner has a little trouble with her final victim.
The Island What’s behind the disappearances at the local lake? (This story was on the podcast Creepy but is no longer available, so here it is.)
Queer Comedy Romance
Life is Good, an M/M romance, in The Pink Hydra magazine. A gay disaster vampire and a himbo vampire hunter are very bad at flirting. (Explicit)
Humans and Their Weird Magic Objects, an F/F romance, in The Lorelei Signal magazine. A woman falls for a crab mermaid while attempting to steal a treasure from a ghost ship.
A Merman Walks Into a Bar, [Audio] an M/M erotica piece, on the Nobilis Erotica Podcast. A merman in disguise accidentally picks up a marine biologist in a bar. (Explicit)
The Alibi, [Audio] a flash M/M romance, on Manawaker Studio’s Flash Fiction Podcast. A burglar gives the police an unexpected alibi for an overnight robbery…the city superhero.
You Don’t Say, an M/M paranormal romance. When two fake psychic con men who secretly pine for each other are forced to work together to solve a disappearance, they discover that one of them is actually psychic. But which one? (Explicit)
Queer Romance
Tollense, an M/M vampire romance. A history professor falls in love with his best friend, a 3000-year-old vampire. (Explicit) One of the most commented original fics on AO3.
Life of the Party, an M/M romance. A gorgeous, charming 1930’s playboy offers to introduce his shy best friend to kissing…and more. (Explicit)
Bloom, an M/M paranormal romance. A shy older man with magical abilities becomes the muse of a beautiful young artist. (Explicit)
You can read more of my nonsense on my Ao3
Image credit: Dannye